Writing a report

Select activity Overview The purpose of a report is often to prese.

The purpose of a report is often to present relevant information in an ordered way and to make carefully considered suggestions based on that information. Reports are usually a mixture of fact and opinion, reflecting on key facts and details to offer suggestions to the reader. Reports can also be used to offer an objective view of a situation, proposing alternatives for the reader to consider. For example, reports in a workplace might include statistics to support different plans for the future of the business so that people can decide on the best option. The audience of a report is often someone in charge, for example a teacher, or an employer, so the language and tone of a report tends to be more formal.

Select topic

Select activity Tips for writing a report Language think about the.

Tips for writing a report

  1. An overview – briefly introduce the topic of the report and the key areas you will consider. Your reader should be able to understand what you will be writing about and why by just reading this section.
  2. A middle – develop and support the relevant facts and opinions about the topic that you or others have noticed.
  3. An end – offer a brief summary of your suggestions, recommendations or solutions. Here you might like to include any new points you think should be considered in the future .