Time Limits for Processing
This section includes rules and procedures related to application processing time limits and processing delays.
WAC 388-406-0035 How long does the department have to process my application?
Clarifying Information
WAC 388-406-0040 What happens if the processing of my application is delayed?
Clarifying Information
WAC 388-406-0045 Is there a good reason my application for cash or medical assistance has not been processed?
Clarifying Information
Clarifying Information - WAC 388-406-0035
If an applicant for food assistance completes their interview late in the application process and we still need some information to determine eligibility, take the following steps:
- Notify the client during interview that we must have the required information/verification no later than the 30th day from their application date, otherwise they will not receive benefits for the application month. List the 10 day deadline to provide verification.
- Tell the client we can reconsider a denied application if we have the information/verification by day 60. We will prorate benefits for the second month starting the date we receive the required information/verification.
EXAMPLE: Cliff applies for Basic Food on November 1st. He interviews on November 25th. The worker pends for verification. The worker enters December 10th as the due date on the RFI letter, but explains to Cliff that we will deny the application on December 1st unless we have all the verification required to determine his eligibility. The worker also explains that we can approve benefits from the date the verification is received if we receive all verification to determine eligibility by the 60th day from the application date
NOTE: For further information and canned text, see the Procedures Manual.
Clarifying Information - WAC 388-406-0040
ACES will deny a food program application by the 30th day, or next business day if the 30th day falls on a weekend or holiday, even if the household requests additional time to provide information. See WAC 388-406-0040, #4.
Applications processed after the 30-day standard of promptness are considered untimely even if the household had the interview before the 30th day and we needed verification to determine eligibility for benefits.
Clarifying Information - WAC 388-406-0045
For cash and medical assistance applications, good cause exists only when the local office meets all processing requirements and the client causes a delay in the process.
EXAMPLE Client applies for TANF. We schedule an interview appointment timely. The client does not appear for the appointment. The client requests a second appointment on the 29th day following the date of application. Because the client caused the delay, good cause for not processing the application within 30 days exists.
EXAMPLE Mark applies for ABD cash on August 17th. He is scheduled to be released from Walla Walla Correctional facility on September 1st. His forty-five days ends on September 30th. We receive the medical evidence and establish disability on September 28th. He is released on October 5th. Mark is eligible for benefits beginning October 5th. The client caused the delay, so good cause for not processing the application within 45 days exists. (See: Applications for Assistance - Completing the Process)
ACES Procedures
- Standards of Promptness
- Standards of Promptness - When is there good cause for not processing an application by the SOP date?
- Eligibility A-Z Manual (EA-Z)
- Eligibility A-Z (EA-Z) Manual Revisions
- Notification of Rule Changes
- Overview
- Administrative Hearing Coordinator's Role
- Continued Benefits
- Equitable Estoppel
- Hearing Requests
- Pre-Hearing Conference With An Administrative Law Judge
- Pre-Hearing Meeting With the DSHS Representative
- Preparation
- Presenting the Case
- Special Procedures on Non-Grant Medical Assistance and Health Care Authority hearings
- The Decision
- Filing an Application
- Expedited Service for Basic Food
- Time Limits for Processing
- Filing Applications - Special Situations
- Completing the Process
- Information Needed to Determine Eligibility
- Assistance Units - Basic Food
- Cash Assistance Programs
- BFET - Reimbursement of Participant Expenses
- Basic Food Work Requirements - Work Registration
- Basic Food Work Registration Exemptions
- ABAWDs- Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents
- Basic Food Work Requirements - Good Cause
- Basic Food Work Requirements - Disqualification
- Basic Food Work Requirements - Unsuitable Employment and Quitting a Job
- Alien and Alien Sponsor Overpayments
- Basic Food Overpayments
- Cash and Food Assistance Underpayments
- Cash and Medical Assistance Overpayment Descriptions
- Recovery Through Mandatory Grant Reductions
- Repayments for Overpayments Prior to April 3, 1982
- Use of Benefits - Benefit Issuances
- Basic Food - Benefit Issuances
- Cash Assistance - Benefit Issuances
- When and How Benefits are Delivered
- Loss, Theft, Destruction or Non-Receipt of a Warrant to Clients or Vendors
- Endorsing the Warrant
- Replacement
- Returning a Warrant
- Certification Periods - Basic Food
- Reporting Requirements
- Effective Date - Change of Circumstances
- Chemical Dependency Treatment - TOC
- Access to Substance Use Treatment
- Chemical Dependency Treatment and SSI
- Chemical Dependency Treatment via ALTSA and Food Assistance
- Citizenship and Alien Status Requirements for all Programs
- Definitions
- Decision Trees
- Date of Entry
- Social Security Number Requirements
- Veteran Status
- Citizenship and Alien Status - Work Quarters
- Citizenship and Alien Status - For Food Benefits
- Citizenship and Alien Status - For Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Citizenship and Alien Status for State Cash Programs
- Public Benefit Eligibility for Survivors of Certain Crimes
- Citizenship and Identity Documents for Medicaid
- Immigration Law Center (NILC) Guide
- Sample SSN Request Letter
- Citizenship and Alien Status - Statement of Hmong/Highland Lao Tribal Membership
- Work Quarters Barcode Procedures
- Confidentiality - Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) for Domestic Violence Victims
- Confidentiality - Information
- Consolidated Emergency Assistance Program - CEAP
- Disaster Cash Assistance Program
- Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP)
- Emergency Assistance Programs - Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN)
- Pandemic Emergency Assistance Fund
- Allocation and Deeming
- Indian Agencies Serving Tribes With a Near-Reservation Designation
- Best Estimate Guide
- Budgeting
- Effect of the Puyallup Settlement on Your Eligibility for Public Assistance
- Income - Indian Agencies Serving Tribes Without a Near-Reservation Designation
- Income - Ownership and Availability
- Income Special Types
- Self Employment Income
- Treatment
- Treatment of Income Chart
- Utility Chart
- Income - Effect of Income and Deductions on Eligibility and Benefit Level
- 100 Series Reason Code Protocols
- 200 Series Reason Code Protocols
- 300 Series Reason Code Protocols
- 400 Series Reason Code Protocols
- 500 Series Reason Code Protocols
- Information about Letters
- Letters Protocols
- Reason Codes
- Aged, Blind or Disabled (ABD) Cash
- Food Assistance Program for Legal Immigrants (FAP)
- Heat and Eat
- Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) Referral
- Pregnant Women Assistance (PWA)
- Washington Basic Food Program
- Working Family Support
- Refugee - Immigration Status Requirements
- Refugee Cash Assistance
- Refugee - Income and Resources
- Refugee - Employment and Training Services
- Refugee Medical Assistance
- Refugee Resettlement Agencies in Washington
- How Resources Count
- How Resources Affect Eligibility
- How Vehicles Count Toward the Resource Limit for Cash and Food
- Resources Excluded by Federal Law
- Resources of an Alien's Sponsor
- Basic Food
- Cash Assistance
- ‹ Expedited Service for Basic Food
- up
- Filing Applications - Special Situations ›
- Community Services
- Child Support
- Disability Determination
- Employment and Training
- Refugee and Immigrant Assistance
- Washington Connection
- Community Partnership Program