FREE Train Ticket Templates

" has the Answer for Your Knack for Old-Fashioned Vintage Train Ticket Design for Your Wedding Invitation Template. With’s Free Templates, Design Christmas Gift Vouchers, Movie Ticket Styled Invitation Cards, Cliparts, and Boarding Pass Styled Invitations, We’ve Got You. Printable Vintage Tickets and More With "

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Train Ticket Template

Train Ticket Template

Child Train Ticket Template

Child Train Ticket Template

Blank Train Ticket Template

Blank Train Ticket Template

Train Ticket Voucher Template

Train Ticket Voucher Template

Train Wedding Ticket Template

Train Wedding Ticket Template

Christmas Train Ticket Template

Christmas Train Ticket Template

Vintage Train Ticket Template

Vintage Train Ticket Template

Elegant Train Ticket Template

Elegant Train Ticket Template

Printable Train Ticket Template

Printable Train Ticket Template

Train Ticket Invitation Template

Train Ticket Invitation Template

Train Ticket Vector Template

Train Ticket Vector Template

Train Ticket Vector

Train Ticket Vector

Printable Train Ticket Template

Printable Train Ticket Template

Blank Train Ticket Template

Blank Train Ticket Template

Child Train Ticket Template

Child Train Ticket Template

Train Wedding Ticket Template

Train Wedding Ticket Template

Christmas Train Ticket Template

Christmas Train Ticket Template

Vintage Train Ticket Template

Vintage Train Ticket Template

Elegant Train Ticket Template

Elegant Train Ticket Template

Train Ticket Invitation Template

Train Ticket Invitation Template

Retro Train Ticket Template

Retro Train Ticket Template

Simple Train Ticket Template

Simple Train Ticket Template

Train Ticket Voucher Template

Train Ticket Voucher Template

People nowadays are always in a hurry. They always seek for transportation that will transport them to their destinations fastly. Before they will be allowed to ride any transportations, they need a ticket to authorize them so that they will be transported according to the itinerary indicated in the ticket. One of the famous and most used transportation is the train. In order to attract more customers to ride on your train, you need to make a beautifully designed train ticket. Worry no more since we have prepared our Train Ticket Templates only just for you! Our templates are 100% customizable and in high quality. You can edit in whatever additional design you want to include. Available in Adobe Illustrator, MS Word, Apple Pages, Photoshop, and PublisherStop hesitating and download our templates quickly!

What Is a Train Ticket?

Train tickets are issued by a railway operator to customers who wished to be transported to a certain destination. The sample ticket price varies according to its assigned train route, train booking, and train services. Without a train ticket, the passengers will not be able to ride the train. Also, the tickets will help the owner monitor how many passengers they have in a day. The train ticket can be purchased through physical and online booking. You can also make reservations when you purchase the ticket.

How to Create a Train Ticket

train ticket template

There are a lot of designs and forms of a train ticket, some railways are using the old fashioned style of a ticket. Others change their tickets according to seasons. Whatever style you want, just make sure that you have chosen the perfect style that will help your station gain more passengers. There are five steps below to guide you in making a train ticket and in choosing the best visual elements.

1. Choose a Layout

The design and layout don't need to be very stylish. It needs to be both pleasing and formal to look at. You don't need to think a lot of designs, just enough for your train ticket to be not overbearing to look at. You can try the classical type of simple tickets but add some extra color that will serve as a brand of your train station.

2. Decide the Size

The size needs to be perfect to hold so that it will not be easily lost. It needs to be handy for the convenience of the passengers. The standard size of the train ticket is 2-1/4 inches long and 1-3/16 inches wide. It depends on you if you will follow the standard size if you want to have your own size for branding, but always remember that your retro ticket needs to be easy to hold.

3. Add Route Details

The ticket should contain a travel itinerary. The destination, departure, and arrival time needs to be included in the ticket. You can also add the train ticket prices, the time of purchase, the status of your booking and reservation.

4. Write Company Information

This part will be useful in case of inquiries like the cancellation of the booking. It will save your customers to visit the counter if in case they have questions according to the train trips. Write the company name, contact information, and address. To be more credible, you can also place your company sample logo.

5. Print the Ticket

After following all the steps above, the ticket is ready for business. Your printable ticket is not only limited for physical release but it can also be released online if you have any online booking available. In printing your ticket, it is advised to hire professional printing businesses to let them print since they are experts in that job.