Noc amendment form under shops and establishment act

The Karnataka Shops & Commercial Establishment Act, 1961 and Rules, 1963 (“S & E Laws”) are applicable to all the shops and commercial establishments in the areas notified by Government of Karnataka.

The Act is enacted for the purpose of protecting the rights of employees.

The Act provides regulations of the payment of wages, terms of services, work hours, rest intervals, overtime work, opening and closing hours, closed days, holidays, leaves, maternity leave and benefits, work conditions, rules for employment of children, records maintenance, etc.

Key Definitions

“Shop” means any premises where any trade or business is carried on or where services are rendered to customers and includes offices, storerooms, godowns, warehouses, whether in the same premises or otherwise, used in such connection with such trade or business, but does not include a commercial establishment or a shop attached to a factory.

“Commercial Establishment” means a commercial or trading or banking or insurance establishment, an establishment or administrative service in which persons employed are mainly engaged in office work, a hotel, restaurant, boarding or eating house, a café or any other refreshment house, a theatre or any other place of public amusement or entertainment.


Benefits of Registration

Exemptions from Registration

The organizations that are exempted from registration under this Act are: